Career Counselling DEVELOPMENT (CSD)
Career Counselling is a nomenclature used to denote a process that helps an individual gain a better understanding of oneself, his personality, background, abilities and interests and subsequently making choices while choosing a career, switching a career or leaving a specific career path.
Life is a journey where situations keep changing and a person can never get stuck in a particular job. When one plans to choose a particular career or deviate to a different career, the assistance of a Career Counsellor is needed to deal with changing circumstances of career development to make proper decisions.
Making the right career choice is a very crucial task in a person’s life as it would have a direct impact in his personal and professional life. There are many aspects that needs to be assessed while making decisions about career. An individual’s interests, skills, aptitudes, needs and desires are factors that should seriously be considered while choosing a career.
A Career Counsellor is a professional who has the relevant knowledge, information and skills to assist people in making career decisions. Counselling in this area combines giving advice on their topic of expertise with counselling techniques that support clients in making complex decisions and facing difficult situations.
The world scenario in the present time is highly competitive due to the growing population. Students find it difficult to get the desired jobs. Some students are unable to identify their passion and find out their career passion. Career counsellors have the ability to play a significant role in a student’s life and turn around the scenarios upside down for them.
A Career Counsellor has the ability to analyse a person’s interests, personality and character and offer the best career option that suits him. A Counsellor considers the emotional and psychological perspective of an individual as well.
There are various benefits that can be derived from our Career Counselling program, such as:
* Through our sessions students can develop problem solving attitude which can enable them to resolve their career queries.
* It is a platform where students get to improve their communication skills while trying to express themselves clearly and vividly.
* A student learns to research on himself with the assistance of the counsellor to explore new opportunities according to the latest trends.
* The whole process of Career Counselling is about patience and listening skills which is a great learning experience for young people.
A Career Counsellor has the potential to boost confidence in the students and help them adopt the best practices which enable them get success in achieving their dream goal. Various logical methods are used in this process to benefit the students who are facing issues in career development. This particular field helps us understand the career options that we have, and how to pursue them. It makes us aware of our strengths and weaknesses and lets us know what career would be best suited for us along with analysing the obstacles that we may face along the way. It makes the transition from one field to a different one, a non-stressful event, and helps give the desired confidence to change domains, with the support of an experienced mentor. It is always better to seek professional guidance rather than blindly follow what others are doing. The main aim of Career Counselling is to help students and professionals choose a field that is in tune with their skills and their job expectations. Thus, with professional help, most candidates end up choosing the right career and perform the level best, which ultimately helps them succeed.