Entrepreneurship Skills Development encompasses the wide gamut of enhancing the knowledge and skills of entrepreneurs through various training programs. Such programs are organized for the purpose of guiding people with unique ideas, to achieve their dreams of becoming entrepreneurs.
We conduct such programs to encourage individuals who have plans of starting their own ventures. There is a difference between having ideas and materializing them into viable projects. It is necessary for such persons to discuss their ideas and get relevant inputs and guidance, to enable them to give shape to their dream ventures. There are several factors to be kept in mind, like managing, developing and building a business enterprise with due consideration of all the risks involved in the whole process.
These programs are specifically designed to support the entrepreneurs to advance their skills and encourage them to make better judgements and sensible decisions. They aim at promoting awareness of an entrepreneurial culture among the people. Our aim is to motivate the younger generation belonging to different sections of the society, to choose entrepreneurship or self – employment as one of the career options.
The main focus of our program is to enable our participants to develop the distinct attitudes and attributes required to step into field of entrepreneurship. Interested candidates are imparted technical and business skills so that they they muster the confidence to take up entrepreneurship as a career option. The basic entrepreneurial skills are imparted to enable our students to put their ideas into action, bringing an attitudinal and behavioural change in them and developing their personal entrepreneurial skills.
Keeping in view the innumerable economic challenges that countries are facing currently, the concept of entreneurship has become a primary concern for goverments of most nations. Entrepreneurship is quite vital for the economic development of a country. In such a scenario, developing entrepreneurial capacities and mindsets that are beneficial for economies, by fostering creativity, innovation and self – employment is the need of the hour.
We adopt an experiential methodology that uses an action oriented, mentoring and group – work approach to ensure greater learning effectiveness. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are vital in this approach, whereas risk taking, innovation, creativity and collaboration are also important elements that come within its fold.
Our approach is interactive, which includes case studies, games, projects, simulations, real life actions and various other hands on activities. Real life examples of existing entrepreneurs make our program highly effective. We endeavor to bring about a personal transformation in our participants which is very critical in the training process. The desire to grow a business is not that simple, it needs a dependable source that provides support and guidance. We provide a tailored support to ensure that they receive the best prospects of succeeding.