Soft skills development (SSD)
Soft skills, are those set of skills which an individual needs to possess, to become a successful professional. These skills help in fine tuning one’s personality and makes him/her stand out from the pack.
These skills ensure easy adaptability of a person in social as well as professional life. An individual who possesses soft skills can compete well with the milieu of job seekers with mediocre skills and emerge successful. They help one achieve a better personal life. Soft skills comprise of a balanced combination of psychological, social and interpersonal skills and help an individual develop an adaptive and positive behaviour which enables him/her to face the challenges of everyday life.
Learning of such skills pertains to enhancing the personality to suit the needs of the new life which is an upcoming challenge in the modern era of globalization.
We at Anglais impart soft skills training that is needed to mould our personality in an impressive manner. Our primary focus is on developing communication skills that would lead to confidence building. Great communication skills and confidence would ultimately lead a person to handle group discussions, presentations and public speaking with elan.
The soft skills we deal with are:
1) Effective Communication
Developing our communication skills is essential to achieve success in career and have a better understanding of people and situations. It is helpful in overcoming diversities, building trust and respect as well as innovating ideas for solving complex issues.
2) Team work
This attribute is quite desirable in a workplace and for a business to function effectively people must work well together in order to achieve a common goal. The quality of work improves when people use their individual strengths and skills together in collaboration.
3) Adaptability
The workplace is always changing - there are constantly shifting trends. Employers will feel more comfortable if they have employees that can adapt to this change and are proactive in learning how to deal with it.
4) Problem solving
Most jobs have elements of problem-solving - this is where you think of solutions to deal with a problem. Usually the top performers deal with difficult challenges because they have strong problem-solving skills.
5) Leadership
You may not be in a leader's role but employers look for these qualities to determine whether you can make important decisions and manage situations and other people. They want to see whether you can grow beyond the job.
6) Work ethic
Having a strong work ethic proves to your manager that you believe that work is important because, for example, you are punctual, organised, you meet deadlines, you remain focused etc. It means that you can work independently but also follow orders.
7) Time management
Trying to do everything at once isn't an efficient way to work and it can often lead you to feel disorganised and stressed. Time management is a way of delegating your time for specific activities. One must be able to prioritise their tasks.